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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

5 Steps to Fast Weight Loss

By Aaron D Stone

You want to lose weight... and fast? Yes, it is a common request. Unfortunately, healthy weight loss is not going to happen overnight. It is the result of small sensible changes to your lifestyle for a prolonged period. The good news? It is not as difficult as you think. Here are 5 simple steps to get going on your journey to weight loss.

Step 1: Calculate how many calories you are consuming.
The easiest way to do this is to write down everything you are eating and drinking throughout a typical day. It might pay to record it over a few days and take an average, as habits can change depending on whether it is a weekend or a weekday. A food journal or diary is a great way to complete this. From here you need to ascertain how many calories are in each of your foods and beverages. A search online will give you a pretty good starting point if you do not have the packaging of some items that you have eaten.

Step 2: Calculate how many calories you are burning
OK, number two. What impact is you daily activity having on your energy expenditure? Your calories burned will be a combination of your basal metabolic rate (baseline energy expenditure during vital bodily functions) and your calories burned during daily activity (walking, running, sitting etc).

Step 3: Calculate whether you are in a state of weight loss of weight gain If you calories consumed is greater than the total of your calories burned then you are in a position where you will most likely put on weight if this occurs for a prolonged period. If however you are expending more than you are consuming you are on the weight loss journey already.

Step 4: Determine the changes you need to make to your eating patterns
Now you need to work out the changes that you should make to your dietary intake. Where can you cut out foods high in fat, substitute unhealthy fats with healthy alternatives, remove high sugar items... analyze your eating patterns and look for opportunities to reduce your caloric volume.

Step 5: Work out the change you need to make to your exercise / activity levels
In reality your weight loss will probably require a combination of step 4 plus some changes to your current activity levels. Perhaps adding in a couple of exercise sessions a week will make the difference, or increasing the volume or intensity of the running, swimming, cycling or even walking that you may do in a normal week.
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Good luck achieving your weight loss goals!

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